The Builders’ Club Activities Has Students Helping Community

| AMI Kiwanis |

The Builder’s Club at the State College of Florida Collegiate Schools is a project of the Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club.  The students are in middle school at the Anna Maria Island Elementary.  They meet once a month & do projects benefiting the community.   The leader of the Club is a mom volunteer, Esther Merrick, and there are currently 26 students  involved in the activities.  Some of the activities are pictured.  For the month of February the students made dog toys and took them to the pet shelter.

          In March the students made cards for children living at the YMCA Roberta Leventhal Sudakoff Youth Shelter.  Pictured are samples of some of the cards.  The shelter provides temporary housing and safe care for youth ages 10 – 17 who have run away, are experiencing family conflict or have been locked out of their homes.

          In April, the Builder’s Club students will be potting plants for Earth Day.  The finished products will be given to retirement homes to hopefully bring a bit of joy into the lives of some senior citizens. 

Join Us!
The Club meets Saturday mornings. All meetings are open to visitors and guests.

During May 2022, the Club will continue to meet every Saturday.  Starting in June, the Club will meet monthly.

2022 Summer Schedule of Meetings: June 25, July 30, August 27

The Club will resume meetings every week starting September 10, 2022


Kiwanis of Anna Maria Island
464 63rd Street
Holmes Beach FL  34217



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