The Anna Maria Kiwanis BUG (Bring Up Grades) program began in 2000. The program is designed to recognize and reward academic achievement for those students that raise their grade up one full grade level. The AMI Kiwanis Club works with Kim Sherburne, School Counselor, at the Anna Maria Island Elementary School. Kim is a really strong supporter of all the Kiwanis programs and is grateful for the support from Kiwanis in helping children to achieve their full potential.
On Friday, April 8, Patricia Webster represented the AMI Kiwanis Club when certificates of achievement were handed out to 59 4th & 5th grade students at Anna Maria Island Elementary School. It was evident there is a great group of teachers at this school that provide support and incentive to their students to improve their grades. All the students supported one another and clapped with wonderful enthusiasm for those who received the awards.
Join Us!
The Club meets Saturday mornings. All meetings are open to visitors and guests.
During May 2022, the Club will continue to meet every Saturday. Starting in June, the Club will meet monthly.
2022 Summer Schedule of Meetings:
June 25, July 30, August 27
The Club will resume meetings every week starting September 10, 2022